Sodium phosphate is the mineral salt of sodium hydroxide and phosphoric acid. Phosphate salts are involved in cell structure, energy transport and storage, vitamin function, and numerous other processes essential to health [1]. Some minerals may become deficient in response to prolonged exercise [1]. Exercise capacity may be reduced if mineral status is insufficient and supplementing with minerals has been generally accepted to improve exercise capacity [1].
Can Sodium Phosphate Increase Weight Loss?
Sodium phosphate has been categorised as thermogenic agent as its supplementation is said to increase resting energy expenditure (via increased thermogenesis) and may therefore serve as a potential weight loss nutrient [2].
Exercise Performance
Sodium phosphate loading (1000 mg 4 times daily) has been shown to influence the maximal and run performance in seven male competitive runners [3]. Phosphate loading also significantly increased maximal oxygen uptake (6–12%) [3], which was also noted in another study conducted on 10 well-trained distance runners [4]. Studies are also reporting improved endurance performance in competitive cyclists [5,9] while some report non-significant increases [10].
Although this data is impressive and suggests that sodium phosphate may be highly effective in improving endurance exercise capacity, but the results are still equivocal. However, no studies have noted a decrease in performance [6]. Many confounding variables were identified by Tremblay and others [7] and recommended that more controlled research needed to be done.
Other forms of phosphate (calcium phosphate, potassium phosphate) do not seem to possess ergogenic properties [6]. While caffeine can improve endurance performance, it does not seem to further increase the benefits of sodium phosphate in repeated-sprint ability [10].
Side Effects
Most mineral supplements are safe in recommended dosages [6]. Minerals consumed in excess possess significant health risks [6]. Phosphate salts containing sodium seem to be safe for most people when used occasionally or short-term and no more than 4 grams per day [1]. When consumed in excess sodium phosphate has caused serious kidney damage in some people [8]. Sodium phosphate may cause side effects like: nausea, bloating and stomach pain. Some of the more serious side effects include: irregular heartbeat, fainting, seizures [8].
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- MedlinePlus. “Phosphate salts” Retrieved from at 1. June 2013
Kreider, Richard B., et al. “ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr 7.7 (2010).
Kreider, R. B., et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on oxygen uptake, ventilatory anaerobic threshold, and run performance.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 22.2 (1990): 250.
Cade, Robert, et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on 2, 3-diphosphoglycerate and maximal oxygen uptake.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 16.3 (1984): 263.
Kreider, Richard B., et al. “Effects of phosphate loading on metabolic and myocardial responses to maximal and endurance exercise.” International journal of sport nutrition 2.1 (1992): 20.
Williams, Melvin. “Dietary supplements and sports performance: minerals.” J Int Soc Sports Nutr 2.2 (2005): 63-67.
Tremblay, Mark S., Stuart D. Galloway, and James R. Sexsmith. “Ergogenic effects of phosphate loading: physiological fact or methodological fiction?.” Canadian journal of applied physiology 19.1 (1994): 1-11.
- U.S. National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. Retrieved from at 1. June 2013
- Brewer, C. P., et al. “Effect of sodium phosphate supplementation on repeated high-intensity cycling efforts.” Journal of sports sciences 33.11 (2015): 1109-1116.
- Kopec, Benjamin J., et al. “Effects of sodium phosphate and caffeine ingestion on repeated-sprint ability in male athletes.” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 19.3 (2016): 272-276.